June Weather In Phoenix

June 1, 2016 Get Ready!! Here comes the season of triple digits. Make sure to change your air filters every time you pay your rent. A clean system not only runs more efficiently but can save $$ on your monthly bills and costly repair fees.


Thank you to all of our wonderful residents who come in each month with smiling faces. We strive to provide excellent customer service and your voice is important to us!! If you ever have any concerns, please feel free to contact our office to see if we can help resolve any issues you may be having.

Thanks you from the staff at DWP

How To Be a Good Tenant
By: The Rental Girl, TheRentalGirl.com

Come on, let’s face it. We all think it, we all know it: We’re perfect. We put ourselves on a pedestal because our brains are wired to do so, so it’s not always easy to see when we’re in the wrong.

And when it comes to being a tenant you are, of course, the definition of perfection. That’s why it is so annoying that your landlord is constantly bugging you. Why is he giving you notice after notice when you’re already the ideal tenant? You signed his lease, pay your rent on time and take care of the property. What more does he want?

Hey, I’m up here with you, too. So let me level with you. What we think is “right” isn’t always reality. Down there — down where everyone else lives in the real world — they have these things called rules. And in order to live in harmony with the rest of humanity, we must learn their rules and play their game. That is how you should think of your landlord-tenant relationship: It’s like a game. Learn the rules, play the game fair and everyone wins!

Lucky for us, it’s not that difficult:

If you can follow these rules, then you really can say, “I am the perfect tenant!”